IBM South Florida Quarter Century Club
and Alumni Association
Other Sites
This page will refer you to other IBM related sites
and points of interest.
IBM Related Sites
Below you find a number of sites which you should make a point of visiting:
Links for IBM Retiree Discounts and After IBM
NOTE: IBM Employee Discounts Extended to IBM Retirees.
Other IBM Sites
- Greater IBM
Connection - a business and social network, with news, events, insight,
forums, blogs, and more. Click here to view a tutorial to help you learn how to make
effective use of GreaterIBM.
- IBM's Home Page
- IBM Alumni Directory
- this directory, originally published in 1973, is now on-line. If you would like to
enter or edit your information, go to www.ibmalumni.com.
- IBM On Demand Community Web Site - It's volunteers who make the difference
at schools and not-for-profit organizations.
- World Community Grid - Volunteers can donate their unused computational
time to research. Join the grid and then our local team: IBM South Florida.
- IBM Club - Enjoy discounted tickets, books, and events.
- IBM employee purchase web site
- Refurbished IBM
- Lotus main web
- Retired IBM Employees
Web Information News Dialogue (REWIND)
- Fidelity Website for Pension & Benefit information
- IBM Wellness
for Life Center Website
- IBM Logo Merchandise
Other IBMQCC, retiree and former IBMer sites in the USA and Around
the World
Financial Sites
Discount Sites
Click here to login to
view the discounts available to active and retired IBM employees.
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